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I don’t feel like this is me.

Like this is my body.


This hair; still thick as it used to be.

The bones are weaker though.

The skin lost its flexibility.


But the smell is the same smell.

The dread is the same dread.


There is more light, much more light, but it is fading.

The fog is gathering around me.


I can’t remember anything.

I can’t tell if this is true or a dream.

Deep inside I feel I want to scream.

But a terrible silence stops me.

    You feel like you had a gun to your head, but you can’t tell who or what was holding that gun.


Or why?

Should you fight or flee?
   Should you put on boxing gloves and start fighting for your life?
   Or should you put on sneakers and start running for your life?
   is it you against the world?
   Or your body against itself?
   Is it you against your body.
   Or the world against you?

With my mind I can see, I can hold whatever I want that in my mind.


My mind takes me quite past myself.

I can be very big and see myself quite small, and it’s still me; in my mind. 


It’s up to you to choose your path.

Not choosing is as much a choice.

But even the tiniest steps you take, the tiniest movement, the tiniest action; as insignificant as they might seem to you now, can have a positive impact on your life.

Small steps,
One step,
One step,
One step.

It’s only a matter of willpower.

I’m out
Of bed.
The darkness
I’m getting out of bed.

One step,
One step,

I will be ready to come back.


Ever tried, ever failed?

No matter.

Try again, fail again, fail better.

Get out of bed.

Fail again and again and again.

And today fail better than ever.

Fall again and again and again.

Fall better than ever.

Get back up on your feet again and again and again.


Get out of bed.

And today you can stand taller, walk swifter, run faster and dance better than ever.

Smile and maybe tomorrow.

You’ll see the sun come shining through.​​​

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